9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining
Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it. English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country! (*Small talk is an informal, polite but friendly conversation about something that is ordinary […]
5 Useful English Phrases to Say When You are Late
Do you know someone who is always late? It is important to be on time in English-speaking countries! On time is the opposite of late. It means arriving or departing at the correct time, not early and not late. If you agree to meet someone at 9am, you must be there at 9am. If a […]
Travel English Vocabulary: In a Restaurant
There aren’t a lot of “rules” to follow in an English conversation. You can never know or predict what the other person is going to say. However, you can learn some common sentences to use in specific situations to help you feel more relaxed, prepared, and confident. When I was in Disney World, I listened […]
English Vocabulary: How to Talk about Books
Do you read a lot? Do you love talking to other people about your favorite books? Here are 14 sentences you can say about a book you are reading or a book that you have read. “Have you read the new Harry Potter book yet?” You have heard about the new book, or you […]
7 Useful English Phrases to Say When You Forget Something
In this lesson, you’ll learn 7 English phrases that you can use in conversation to explain that you forget something. We all forget things. It happens to everyone. It can be embarrassing sometimes. Let’s quickly review the basic ways to say you forget something: I forget. I can’t remember. I don’t remember. I’m sorry […]
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