One of the first “rules” that English students learn is that uncountable nouns can’t be used in the plural form. As you continue studying English, you start seeing foods and fruits, and you wonder, “is the rule wrong?” There are some nouns that are both countable and uncountable nouns. In this English grammar lesson, you […]
Category: Grammar
English Grammar: When NOT to Use “the”! (definite article)
For many English learners, articles are one of the most difficult things to remember! Articles are confusing because it’s not always necessary to use an article in English. This lesson is about when NOT to use the definite article the. Sometimes it’s easier to remember when NOT to use something instead of trying to memorize […]
English Grammar: When is It OK to Use “Foods” and “Fruits”?
One of the first “rules” that English students learn is that uncountable nouns can’t be used in the plural form. As you continue studying English, you start seeing foods and fruits, and you wonder, “is the rule wrong?” There are some nouns that are both countable and uncountable nouns. In this English grammar lesson, you […]
English Grammar: How to Use the Present Continuous to Talk about the Future
Talking about future plans is challenging in English because we use different verb forms and tenses. In this post you’ll learn how to talk about your plans for the weekend. You’ll learn when to use the present continuous, be going to, and will. You’ll also learn why ‘gonna’ is NOT a proper or acceptable written […]
English Grammar: As if (conjunction)
The word combination as if has many different meanings in English. It can be a conjunction, an exclamation, and slang! In this grammar article, you’ll learn the different meanings & how to use as if in a sentence. 1. Meaning: As if is a conjunction. It is used to say how something seems from the […]
English Grammar: Definite and Indefinite Articles
English Grammar: Indefinite and Definite Articles | English Teacher Melanie Many English learners struggle with small grammar words called articles. There are two kinds of articles: the definite article the and the indefinite articles a or an. There is a lot of confusion about when you should use a, an or the! In this English […]
English Grammar: How to Use the Articles “a” and “the” for One of Something
For many English learners, it is difficult to remember when to use the English articles a, an, and the! Mastering when to use articles will help you speak more naturally and fluently, especially when you are talking about one of something. In this English grammar lesson, you’ll learn when to use a and an or […]
Present Perfect: “Have You Ever (Done Something)?
Have you ever …? Using the Present Perfect to Talk about Experiences | Many English learners struggle to understand the present perfect tense. It doesn’t exist in many languages, so it is difficult to remember when to use it in English. It is easier to understand the present perfect tense if you can remember the […]
Present Perfect: “Have You Ever Been to (a Place)?”
Have you ever been to Rome, Italy? You can use the present perfect to talk about a place, city, or country you have visited. The present perfect is used to talk about if, at any point in your life in the past, you have visited or traveled to a specific place. The present perfect is not used to talk about when you did something. […]
English Grammar: The 3rd (Third) Conditional
Grammar is the way words are organized into sentences. It’s important to remember that not all English sentences follow grammar “rules.” However, there are sentence structures you can learn that make it easier for you to express your thoughts. A conditional sentence is used in English to talk about a result that may happen IF a condition happens first. The 3rd conditional sentence […]