Archives for January 2013 English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Explain” January 21, 2013 by Melanie I frequently see English learners using the verb explain incorrectly. Teacher, can you explain me . . .? Let me explain you what I mean . . . Explain means make something clear or easy to understand […]
Month: January 2013
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Explain”
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Explain” January 21, 2013 by Melanie I frequently see English learners using the verb explain incorrectly. Teacher, can you explain me . . .? Let me explain you what I mean . . . Explain means make something clear or easy to understand (MW), and that’s what […]
Service Kiosk 1
Service Kiosk 1 January 19, 2013 by Melanie Leave a Comment
English Vocabulary: Sometimes, Sometime, and Some Time
English Vocabulary: Sometimes, Sometime, and Some Time January 14, 2013 by Melanie 12 Comments Sometimes, sometime, and some time are very different words so you need to be careful when you use them. These are words that even native speakers get confused with! Sometimes Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. Use sometimes to talk […]
English Vocabulary: Sometimes, Sometime, and Some Time January 14, 2013 by Melanie 12 Comments Sometimes, sometime, and some time are very different words so you need to be careful when you use them. These are words that even native speakers get confused with! Sometimes Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. Use sometimes to talk […]
English Vocabulary: Sometimes, Sometime, and Some Time January 14, 2013 by Melanie 12 Comments Sometimes, sometime, and some time are very different words so you need to be careful when you use them. These are words that even native speakers get confused with! Sometimes Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. Use sometimes to talk […]
Canadian Snowbirds
Canadian Snowbirds January 13, 2013 by Melanie Leave a Comment
IMG_0842 January 13, 2013 by Melanie Leave a Comment
Vocabulary – Page 5
English Vocabulary: Don’t Call It a Toilet! January 7, 2013 by Melanie In Canada and the US it is impolite to use the word toilet. You can call the actual physical thing a toilet, but if you want to say that you need to use the toilet, you must say something else. We have […]
English Vocabulary: Don’t Call It a Toilet!
English Vocabulary: Don’t Call It a Toilet! January 7, 2013 by Melanie In Canada and the US it is impolite to use the word toilet. You can call the actual physical thing a toilet, but if you want to say that you need to use the toilet, you must say something else. We have […]