I get a lot of emails and messages from beginner English learners who need help. My website is mainly for intermediate & advanced English learners, but I know that English can be very overwhelming for beginners. I have put together a list of free online resources to help beginners get started. If you are a […]
Category: Study Tip
3 Things English Students Can Learn from Olympians
3 Things You Can Learn from an Olympian | EnglishTeacherMelanie.com An Olympian is someone who competes in the Olympics. An Olympian is someone who has spent a long time preparing and training. He wants to be the best in the world and win a gold medal. What do learning English and competing in the Olympics […]
The Ten Best Tips to Get a High Score on the TOEFL iBT!
(This lesson was updated in March 2017.) The TOEFL is one of the most difficult tests you will ever take in your life! You need to study hard to get a high score on the TOEFL. Here is a list of ten things that will help you get the highest score possible on the TOEFL […]
Make English a part of your life!
Have you ever thought or asked a teacher one of these questions? How can I speak English fluently? How can I improve my spoken English? How can I speak better English? These are the most common questions I am asked! In this article, you’ll learn some simple changes you can make to your life to […]
English Study Tip: How to Practice Listening!
English Study Tip: How to Practice Listening | English Teacher Melanie You have been studying English for a long time. You have a good knowledge of English grammar and you know lots of words. You can read things in English and you can communicate well in writing. You have trouble understanding what people are […]
Study Tip
What Is So Important About English Grammar Rules? June 20, 2016 by Melanie 12 Comments Grammar. Do you get nervous just seeing that word? Do you think “I need to improve my grammar so I can speak English better”? Do you spend a lot of time memorizing grammar rules but wonder why your English hasn’t […]
study tip
How to Learn English September 7, 2015 by Melanie 39 Comments I get a lot of messages from English learners. One of the most popular questions is, “How can I improve my English?” After 8 years of teaching English, I still don’t have a complete answer for that question, because the answer depends on the […]
How to Improve Your English Pronunciation
How to Improve Your English Pronunciation July 12, 2012 by Melanie (Photo by Leo Reynolds) One of the most common questions I am asked is, “How can I improve my pronunciation?” I wrote this post to answer that question, and hopefully help you improve your English pronunciation! I believe that good pronunciation is essential […]
Learn about Fashion & Shopping in English!
Read and Learn about Fashion & Shopping in English! February 3, 2012 by Melanie (Photo by Swamibu) One thing that makes learning English a bit easier is studying things you enjoy! So, if you’re into fashion and shopping, this post is for you. New York Fashion Week starts next week! This is a big […]
Learn a New Word Every Day!
Learn a New Word Every Day! January 31, 2010 by Melanie 11 Comments (Photo by Calamity Meg) There are excellent resources on the internet for learning a new word every day! I recommend the following resources for people learning English: 1. Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary Merriam-Webster is an American dictionary, but it lists both American and […]