One of the first “rules” that English students learn is that uncountable nouns can’t be used in the plural form. As you continue studying English, you start seeing foods and fruits, and you wonder, “is the rule wrong?” There are some nouns that are both countable and uncountable nouns. In this English grammar lesson, you […]
Month: January 2025
Vocabulary Spotlight on: Relationships
(Photo by Orengo Photography) 1. Dating Usually, the 1st step in a relationship is going out on a date with someone. Here are some verb phrases you can use to talk about a date: to go on a date (with someone) I went out on a date with him once. It was kind of boring. […]
Vocabulary – Sometimes, Sometime & Some Time
Sometimes, sometime, and some time are very different words so you need to be careful when you use them. These are words that even native speakers get confused with! 1. Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. Think of it as halfway between never and always. Example sentences: Sometimes I am so tired I can’t […]
Learn Some English Words about SEX from James Bond Movies!
***LANGUAGE WARNING! Sexual language that may offend you is u sed in this article.*** Bond. James Bond. Agent 007 [double oh seven] in the British Secret Service MI6. James Bond movies are known for a few things: action, danger, exotic locations, gorgeous women (Bond Girls), evil enemies, and double entendres. A double entendre /ˈdʌbəl ɑnˈtɑ:ndrə/ […]
How to Use the Verb “Go”
Here is a useful list to help you remember when to use go, when to use go to, and when to use go to the. Often English learners feel more comfortable with rules to memorize [and we have lots of them in English!], but sometimes there is no rule. There is no rule why go is sometimes followed by […]
How to Use the Verb “Explain”!
I have lost count of the number of times a student has said to me: “Teacher, can you explain me . . .?” or “Let me explain you what I mean . . .“ No, I cannot explain YOU anything nor can you explain ME anything because that is NOT the correct use of […]
Vocabulary – How to Talk about Fashion! (Adjectives)
Part I – Adjectives In English, there are a lot of great words to describe fashion. If you really want to learn a lot of new and interesting words in English, pay attention to fashion! Fashion writers and designers are always trying to think of unique ways to describe clothing, and magazines are full of […]
Vocabulary – All About Farm Animals!
I began this post after an English learner on Facebook asked about the names of baby animals. I soon realized we have a lot of other words associated with animals, like different words for male & female animals, words for their meat, and words for the sounds they make, so I decided to write a […]
“The Chaos” (of English Pronunciation)! – A poem by Gerard N. Trenité (video)
This is a fun poem about the chaos of the English language, but you’ll want to pull your hair out in frustration by the end of it! Don’t worry about understanding the poem – there is no meaning! It’s just a huge collection of ridiculous irregularities in English spelling! Most native speakers would have difficulty […]
English Grammar: When NOT to Use “the”! (definite article)
For many English learners, articles are one of the most difficult things to remember! Articles are confusing because it’s not always necessary to use an article in English. This lesson is about when NOT to use the definite article the. Sometimes it’s easier to remember when NOT to use something instead of trying to memorize […]