This is a fun poem about the chaos of the English language, but you’ll want to pull your hair out in frustration by the end of it! Don’t worry about understanding the poem – there is no meaning! It’s just a huge collection of ridiculous irregularities in English spelling! Most native speakers would have difficulty […]
Category: Videos
American Accent Pronunciation: N + T = Silent T (video)
In this English lesson, you’re going to learn something that will help you better UNDERSTAND American English speakers, AND it will help you SOUND more American. You’re going to learn how to pronounce words like center, disappointed, & internet In fast speech, American English speakers often don’t pronounce the T after an N in a word. [Click here to […]
American Accent Pronunciation: T + N (video)
In this English pronunciation lesson, you’re going to learn something that will help you better UNDERSTAND American English speakers, AND it will help you SOUND more American. You’re going to learn how to pronounce words like written, eaten, & frighten with an American accent! BONUS! You’ll also learn the difference between a fully pronounced T […]
Canadian Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Every year, on the second Monday in October, Canadians gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day! We spend time with our family and eat a big dinner together. It’s the end of the harvest and winter is coming! In Canada, Thanksgiving Day began as a day to thank God for a good harvest. Today, most […]
Pronunciation – Practice the V and B Sounds! (video)
This is a pronunciation practice lesson to help you improve your pronunciation of the English letter v. Do you say /b/ instead of /v/? This is a common English pronunciation mistake. This is a very common mistake for Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi, and Tagalog speakers. Part 1 – Minimal Pairs /v/ and /b/ Part […]
Pronunciation – Practice the ‘th’ vs. /s/ & /z/ Sounds! (video)
Do you say /s/ and /z/ instead of ‘th’? This is a common pronunciation mistake! This pronunciation practice lesson below will help you practice hearing & making the ‘th’ sounds. (In the listening lesson “Let’s Go to The Ex!” I explain how to make the ‘th’ sounds.) Part I – Minimal Pairs /θ/ and /s/ […]
Pronunciation – Practice the L and R Sounds! (video)
In this pronunciation practice video, we’ll do some exercises to practice the L and R consonant sounds at the beginning of a word or syllable. Get your mirror ready, so you can make sure that your mouth is doing the same thing as my mouth. If you need to review how to make these sounds, […]
How to Say the Names of all the Summer Olympic Sports! (video)
In this video, you’ll learn how to say all the sports that are part of the Summer Olympics. You’ll see a picture of the sport, the name of the sport, and the IPA pronunciation/phonetic transcription of the sport name. Watch my lips, listen, and repeat after me! Learn more: English Vocabulary: The Olympic Games […]
English Grammar: How to Use the Verb “Suggest”
A lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest because suggest is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are. Suggest means mention or recommend something to think about, or something someone should do. You suggest a thought or an idea. 1. “I […]
English Listening: Where are All the Children? | Episode 30
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”30 Where are all the Children?” artist=”English Teacher Melanie” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_pinterest=”true” ] Listen to a story about Halloween! You’ll also learn how to link the American T sound in natural spoken English. Welcome to the English Teacher Melanie Podcast, a podcast for intermediate to advanced English learners who want to […]