Sometimes, sometime, and some time are very different words so you need to be careful when you use them. These are words that even native speakers get confused with! 1. Sometimes is an adverb of frequency. Think of it as halfway between never and always. Example sentences: Sometimes I am so tired I can’t […]
Tag: Vocabulary
How to Use the Verb “Explain”!
I have lost count of the number of times a student has said to me: “Teacher, can you explain me . . .?” or “Let me explain you what I mean . . .“ No, I cannot explain YOU anything nor can you explain ME anything because that is NOT the correct use of […]
Vocabulary – How to Talk about Fashion! (Adjectives)
Part I – Adjectives In English, there are a lot of great words to describe fashion. If you really want to learn a lot of new and interesting words in English, pay attention to fashion! Fashion writers and designers are always trying to think of unique ways to describe clothing, and magazines are full of […]
English Vocabulary: Christmas Collocations December 12, 2016 by Melanie 38 Comments In this vocabulary lesson, you’ll learn English collocations and sentence structures you can use to talk about Christmas or any holiday that involves giving presents and decorating! One of the best things you can do to learn English faster and feel more confident when […]
English Vocabulary: Christmas Collocations
English Vocabulary: Christmas Collocations December 12, 2016 by Melanie 38 Comments In this vocabulary lesson, you’ll learn English collocations and sentence structures you can use to talk about Christmas or any holiday that involves giving presents and decorating! One of the best things you can do to learn English faster and feel more confident when […]
English Vocabulary: Christmas Collocations December 12, 2016 by Melanie 38 Comments In this vocabulary lesson, you’ll learn English collocations and sentence structures you can use to talk about Christmas or any holiday that involves giving presents and decorating! One of the best things you can do to learn English faster and feel more confident when […]
9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining November 2, 2016 by Melanie Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it. English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country! […]
9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining November 2, 2016 by Melanie Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it. English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country! […]
9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining
9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining November 2, 2016 by Melanie Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it. English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country! […]
useful phrases
9 Useful English Phrases to Say When it’s Raining November 2, 2016 by Melanie Rain is a fact of life! We can’t fight it. English speakers talk about the weather a lot! It’s a common topic of small talk*. You will have a lot of short English conversations about the weather in an English-speaking country! […]