How to Say the Names of all the Summer Olympic Sports! (video)
In this video, you’ll learn how to say all the sports that are part of the Summer Olympics. You’ll see a picture of the sport, the name of the sport, and the IPA pronunciation/phonetic transcription of the sport name. Watch my lips, listen, and repeat after me! Learn more: English Vocabulary: The Olympic Games […]
English Vocabulary: Makeup! (Video)
This is an intermediate/advanced vocabulary lesson for people learning English as a foreign language. In this video, you’ll learn some common makeup vocabulary. You will learn the correct names for different makeup products, parts of the face, as well as verbs and adjectives to use to talk about makeup. This video is also a good […]
25 English Words with “ch” Pronounced “sh”! (Video)
English is such a confusing language! Often there is more than one way to pronounce a single letter or group of letters. In this video, you’ll learn 25 words where the letters ch together are pronounced “sh”. Most of these words were taken from French! These words need to be memorized. There is no “rule” […]
50 English Words with “ch” Pronounced /k/ (Video)
English is such a confusing language! Often there is more than one way to pronounce a single letter or group of letters. In this video, you’ll learn 50 words where the letters ch together are pronounced /k/. These words needs to be memorized, because there is no rule to help you remember them all! […]
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