Follow the 2014 Winter Olympics in English! January 28, 2014 by Melanie (Photo by Graeme Pow) One of my study tips on how to become fluent in English is to make English a part of your life. Whatever you do during the day, do it in English! Following the Olympics is a great example of […]
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Confusing English Verbs – Wear or Dress?
Confusing English Verbs – Wear or Dress? February 6, 2012 by Melanie (Photo by an untrained eye) To wear = to have clothes on your body You wear clothes. This is the most common verb used to talk about clothes. What are you wearing today? I’m going to wear my new shoes to school […]
pop culture
Pop Culture Explained: What are ‘Extreme Sports’ and the X-Games? January 24, 2012 by Melanie For some people, regular sports like skiing, running, and soccer are not exciting enough. These people need adventure. They need more excitement. They need a bigger thrill. They need extreme sports. What are extreme sports? (Photo by MrClean1982) Kite-surfing Extreme […]
Gerunds Used for Sports in English
Grammar – Gerunds Used for Sports January 19, 2012 by Melanie (Photo by Sean Molin) A gerund is a verb that acts like a noun. When -ing is added to a verb, it becomes a word that describes a person, place, or thing. In the case of sports, a gerund is used to describe the […]
Understanding English Verb Forms
Grammar – Understanding English Verb Forms January 16, 2012 by Melanie (Photo by calumray) English verb forms are one of the easiest things to learn. They are so simple! Unlike other languages, there aren’t long lists of different conjugations that must be memorized. In English, there are just a few irregular verbs that need to […]
New English Word: Glamping
New English Word: Glamping December 12, 2011 by Melanie /ˈglæm.pɪŋ/ (Photo by Jenni Lloyd) Every time I turn around, I notice a new English word! In October it was flightmare, and now it’s glamping! I first saw this word when I was reading an article about how central Asian-style tents called ‘yurts’ are becoming […]
New English Word: A Flightmare!
New English Word: A Flightmare! October 31, 2011 by Melanie (Photo by lrargerich) New words are always being added to the English language. Recently there’s been a trend of making a new word by combining two existing words. This morning I heard the word flightmare for the first time! I was watching the news on […]
Expressions with ‘Fruit’ and Fruit Names! October 5, 2011 by Melanie 4 Comments Photo by Christine) If you have watched the video “34 Fruit Names in English,” you know that there are a wide variety of fruit available in supermarkets here in Canada. In English, we also use names of fruit in a lot of […]
Expressions with ‘Fruit’ and Fruit Names! – English Teacher Melanie
Expressions with ‘Fruit’ and Fruit Names! October 5, 2011 by Melanie 4 Comments Photo by Christine) If you have watched the video “34 Fruit Names in English,” you know that there are a wide variety of fruit available in supermarkets here in Canada. In English, we also use names of fruit in a lot of […]
Vocabulary – Are You Triskaidekaphobic?
Vocabulary – Are You Triskaidekaphobic? May 15, 2011 by Melanie (Photo by DaveBleasdale) Are you afraid of the number 13? Do you think it’s an unlucky number? If so, you are triskaidekaphobic! [Pronunciation: /,trɪs.kə.dɛ.kə.’foʊ.bɪk/] A phobia is an extreme fear of something (or someone!). For example, claustrophobia is a fear of being in small, closed […]