Archives for September 2016
English Listening: My Passport! | Episode 28
Listen to a story about a problem I had with my passport! You’ll also learn how to say and hear “used to” in fast, natural spoken English.
Travel English Vocabulary: In a Restaurant
There aren’t a lot of “rules” to follow in an English conversation. You can never know or predict what the other person is going to say. However, you can learn some common sentences to use in specific situations to help you feel more relaxed, prepared, and confident. When I was in Disney World, I listened […]
English Listening: I Went to Disney World! | Episode 27
Listen to a story about my trip to Disney World in Florida! You’ll also learn how the words “kind of” become the sound /ˈkaɪnə/ in fast, natural spoken English.
Travel English Phrasal Verb: Check in
A phrasal verb is a verb + preposition combination that has a specific meaning. The phrasal verb has a different meaning than the verb by itself. Phrasal verbs are very common in English. Pronunciation tip: Always stress the preposition in a phrasal verb. You should say the preposition in louder and longer than the verb […]
Travel English Vocabulary: Planning a Trip
It takes a long time to plan a good trip! There are so many things to think about and so many decisions to make. This travel English lesson includes all the basic travel English vocabulary you need to know to plan your next trip to an English-speaking country! 1. Research places to go […]
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