English Listening: The Christmas Season | Episode 34
Listen to a story about the Christmas season and why it’s sometimes stressful! You’ll also learn how about a common vowel sound in English that doesn’t exist in many other languages!
English Vocabulary: Christmas Collocations
In this vocabulary lesson, you’ll learn English collocations and sentence structures you can use to talk about Christmas or any holiday that involves giving presents and decorating! One of the best things you can do to learn English faster and feel more confident when you speak English is to focus on collocations and sentence structure. […]
English Listening: A Dilemma on Thanksgiving | Episode 09
Listen to a story about a dilemma I had at Thanksgiving dinner this year! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the preposition “of.”
The Story of Halloween
Halloween is a community event. It’s a combination of an ancient pagan festival from northern Europe and a religious holiday created by Christians in ancient Rome, but its name comes from Scotland. Now it’s a day when children wear costumes and get free candy! On October 31, kids put on costumes and go door-to-door […]
The Story of Santa Claus
Santa goes by many names – Santa Claus, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, or Father Christmas. He lives at the North Pole, where he also has a toy workshop. He keeps an eye on children around the world and he knows if they’ve been naughty or nice! Just before Christmas, children can write letters to Santa […]
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