Archives for March 2016
English Listening: A Problem With My Cell Phone Bill | Episode 16
Listen to a story about a huge problem I had when I tried to pay my cell phone bill! You’ll also learn how to say amounts of money, and when to use “dollar” instead of “dollars.”
English Listening: Shopping for a New Dress | Episode 15
Listen to a story about all the problems I had trying to buy a dress to wear to my friends’ wedding! You’ll also learn how to to pronounce “hadn’t,” “didn’t,” and “couldn’t.”
English Listening: I Forgot my Wallet | Episode 14
Listen to a story about a time when I went grocery shopping, but I forgot my wallet at home! You’ll also learn how two ways to pronounce the article “the.”
Words in the News: Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova is a professional tennis player. She is from Russia. Today she held a press conference (a meeting with reporters) and announced that she had failed a drug test. The press conference was short, but there are some great English expressions you can learn from her short speech. Some background information: In January 2016 […]
English Idioms with the Word “Book”!
a bookworm = someone who likes to read books and reads a lot My sister is a bookworm. She reads more books than anyone I know! Learn more: Improve your English by reading children’s book series hit the books = to study, or begin studying, intensely My final exams start in 2 […]
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