How to Say the Names of all the Summer Olympic Sports! (video)
In this video, you’ll learn how to say all the sports that are part of the Summer Olympics. You’ll see a picture of the sport, the name of the sport, and the IPA pronunciation/phonetic transcription of the sport name. Watch my lips, listen, and repeat after me!
Learn more: English Vocabulary: The Olympic Games
• In North America, this sport is more commonly called track and field, because it’s a collection of events that include running races around a track, and jumping and throwing competitions on the field inside the track.
beach volleyball
canoe – slalom
canoe – sprint
• Even though the official name of this sport is canoe, it includes events for two different kinds of boats: canoes, and kayaks
There are 4 different types of cycling sports at the Olympics:
– BMX cycling
– mountain biking
– road cycling
– track cycling
• This sport is more commonly known as horseback riding. There are 3 different events in the sport of equestrian: jumping, eventing, dressage
football … which is called soccer in North America!
There are 2 different types of gymnastics at the Olympics:
– artistic gymnastics
– rhythmic gymnastics
hockey … which, in North America, is called field hockey!
modern pentathlon
• In this sport, athletes must compete in 5 different events: fencing, swimming, horseback riding, shooting, and running … all in the same day!
synchronized swimming
table tennis
• Informally, this sport is also called ping pong.
• In this sport, competitors must swim, cycle and run … one right after the other!
water polo
That’s it! Now it’s your turn!
What sport do like to watch at the Olympics?
Let me know in the comments below.
Hello. The post is very useful! Thank you 🙂 Kind regards!
Btw, I enjoy watching tennis, athletics and volleyball (I hope the Polish team wins a medal!). Thank you for the post! 🙂
Hi, Anna!
I’m happy that you enjoyed this video!
Neither the men’s or women’s Canadian volleyball team qualified for the Olympics, so good luck to Poland!
= )
Hello, Melanie
I also think the video is very useful and I enjoy watching mountain biking and wrestling, hell yeah!
thanks a lot for the video and I like to watch it too ._.
Hi, Oscar!
I’m thrilled to hear that this video was useful to you! Mountain biking is a really exciting sport, but unfortunately it doesn’t begin until the last 2 days of the Olympics. That’s a long time to wait!
Good luck to your country at the Olympics!
= )
I was looking for the pronunciation of Canoe Slalom and it led me here. Really useful video, Melanie! Thank you!
Hi, Melanie!
You have done a great job.
By the way what does this stuff earn you, just interested in knowing the answer.
l don’t take much interest in olympics. Today there was hockey match between Pakistan and Spain…. let me check out who won the battle.
Regards Melanie.
It’s will helpful to watch Olympic news by these sports name.
So great video,thanks for teaching and sharing~
Hi everybody
nice video as always 😀
I choose Boxing
Boxing! Why boxing?
This is the first Olympics that women are allowed to compete in boxing!
= )
Dear Melanie;
Thanks for sharing this video. I recently found your web site and I like it so much.
I enjoy watching the synchronized swimming but I like the soccer too. Tomorrow is the final game, I hope Mexico win the gold medal. =)
Thank you again!
hello this video is very useful to practice pronunciation good job !! teacher