English Listening: A Dilemma on Thanksgiving | Episode 09
Listen to a story about a dilemma I had at Thanksgiving dinner this year! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the preposition “of.”
Travel English Vocabulary: In a Restaurant
There aren’t a lot of “rules” to follow in an English conversation. You can never know or predict what the other person is going to say. However, you can learn some common sentences to use in specific situations to help you feel more relaxed, prepared, and confident. When I was in Disney World, I listened […]
English Listening: A Diet Changed My Life | Episode 21
Listen to a story about how a diet changed my life! You’ll also learn how to say the word “diet” and how to link vowel sounds in a word.
English Grammar: When is It OK to Use “Foods” and “Fruits”?
One of the first “rules” that English students learn is that uncountable nouns can’t be used in the plural form. As you continue studying English, you start seeing foods and fruits, and you wonder, “is the rule wrong?” There are some nouns that are both countable and uncountable nouns. In this English grammar lesson, you […]
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