English Vocabulary: All About Snow!
What does snow look like? Snow (an uncountable noun) is made up of millions of individual snowflakes. Each snowflake is unique. No two snowflakes look the same. Of course, snowflakes are so tiny that it’s impossible to compare them, but every Canadian schoolchild learns that each snowflake is unique! A light snowfall creates a […]
Canada Fun Fact #7 – The United States Once Tried to Invade Canada!
Some background information In 1812, Britain was at war with France. The United States, which was less than 50 years old, was trading with the French across the Atlantic Ocean. This annoyed the British, so they tried to stop American ships on the way to France. This annoyed the Americans, so they declared war on […]
Canada Fun Fact #6 – Canada Post Helps Santa Claus Answer All His Letters!
Address: Santa Claus North Pole H0H 0H0 Did you ever write a letter to Santa when you were a kid? What did you ask him for? Every year on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus travels around the world in his sleigh pulled by reindeer, delivering presents to children everywhere! Before Christmas, kids […]
Canada Fun Fact #3 – The Beaver is Our National Animal…and We Eat Beaver Tails!
We don’t eat real beaver tails! A ‘beaver tail’ is a fried dough pastry flattened to look like a beaver tail! It was invented in 1978 by a Canadian company. The Beaver Tail stand (like the one in the second picture below) is at every Canadian festival and celebration! This is what a beaver tail […]
Canada Fun Fact #1 – The southernmost point of Canada is south of the northern Californian border…and Rome, Italy!
It’s true! Everyone thinks of Canada as a northern country, but Canada extends so far north and so far south that we cover more lines of latitude than any other country on earth! On the eastern side of Canada, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec are separated from the United States by the Great Lakes […]
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