English Immersion Reading: A Powerful and Effective Way to Learn
Do you think reading is boring? Are you looking for a way to make reading more interesting, do more of it, and improve your English? You are going to love immersion reading! We acquire a language by reading and listening, not by learning grammar rules and memorizing vocabulary. We can speak a language because of […]
Audible Audiobooks: Improve Your Listening Skills Anytime, Anywhere
EnglishTeacherMelanie.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Read more about Amazon here. Listening doesn’t have to be difficult and it doesn’t need to give you a headache. It’s hard […]
English Vocabulary: How to Talk about Books
Do you read a lot? Do you love talking to other people about your favorite books? Here are 14 sentences you can say about a book you are reading or a book that you have read. “Have you read the new Harry Potter book yet?” You have heard about the new book, or you […]
English Listening: My Summer Reading List | Episode 25
Listen to a story about reading in the summer! You’ll also learn how the words “want to” become the sound /wɑnə/ in fast, natural spoken English!
English Idioms with the Word “Book”!
a bookworm = someone who likes to read books and reads a lot My sister is a bookworm. She reads more books than anyone I know! Learn more: Improve your English by reading children’s book series hit the books = to study, or begin studying, intensely My final exams start in 2 […]
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