5 Funny Phrases to Use When You Want to Say that Someone is Dumb!
In English, we have lots of creative and colourful ways of saying that someone is not very smart! It’s not very nice to call someone ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’, so in English we have a lot of funny expressions to use instead. 1. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed! There are many […]
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Like”
The verb like is one of the most commonly used verbs in English. However, it is also one of the most commonly misused verbs in English. In this article you’ll learn how to use the verb like in a simple English sentence. 1. You MUST say what you like! When you use the verb […]
English Vocabulary: Play, Do, or Go? Verbs Used To Talk About Sports
There are three verbs you can use to talk about sports in English: play — do — go 1. Use PLAY for team sports or sports played with a ball: football baseball basketball rugby tennis hockey volleyball cricket soccer badminton golf I love to play badminton. I played basketball when I was in […]
English Vocabulary: Dating
A relationship begins when two people start dating. Sometimes the relationship is easy. Other times, you have no idea what is happening. Are you together? Are you just friends? What’s going on? Here is some English vocabulary you can use to talk about dating someone. have a date (with someone) A date is an […]
English Vocabulary: Everyday or Every Day?
Is everyday one word or two? To be honest with you, most native English speakers can’t answer this question! 1. Every day Every day means just that: every single, individual day. It’s two words. Think of it like ‘every year’ or ‘every month’ or ‘every hour.’ It is used to describe a habit or […]
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