English Idiom: Have a Chip on Your Shoulder
Recently, I watched a program on TV called ‘Lockdown,’ about young men in an American prison. A young inmate was asked, “Has anyone ever told you that you have a chip on your shoulder?” Someone who has a chip on his shoulder is angry all the time. He (or she) feels that he has been […]
English Vocabulary: Fashion Week
This lesson uses fashion vocabulary in context to help you understand when and how to use all these different words related to fashion week and fashion shows! Fashion week is a semiannual event – it happens twice a year. In February and March, designers showcase their fall/winter collections; in September and October, they […]
English Vocabulary: How to Laugh in English!
Laughing in your language is not the same as laughing in English! In English, the sound people make when they laugh is written as ha ha ha! You can use two or more ha in a row to show you are laughing: Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! hahaha! […]
English Vocabulary: 7 Things to Do in the Snow!
I can’t believe that there are people in this world who have never seen snow. I can’t imagine living WITHOUT snow! Summers in Canada are nice and warm, so we can do fun stuff like swimming, hiking, camping, and spending time at the beach. Unlike many countries in the world, however, we get to do […]
English Vocabulary: 911 and 9/11
In a recent private lesson, my student was talking about world events. She talked about the attack on 9-1-1 in NYC. I was confused at first, but then I realized she was talking about 9/11, not 9-1-1. You may hear or see both of these numbers when you watch American TV and movies, read American […]
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