Advanced English Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood
In this lesson you’ll learn … all about mood what the subjunctive mood is how to form the subjunctive the 5 types of sentences in which you use the subjunctive when it’s OK to use “I were“! The subjunctive is not a tense like the past simple or the present perfect. It’s a mood. This […]
English Vocabulary: Relax, Relaxing, and Relaxed
There are many different ways to talk about relaxing in English. However, I’ve noticed that many English learners have difficulty using the verb relax and the adjective relaxed correctly. In this lesson, you’ll learn how NOT to relax! You’ll also learn the 4 forms of relax and how to use them in a sentence. 1. […]
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Explain”
I frequently see English learners using the verb explain incorrectly. Teacher, can you explain me . . .? Let me explain you what I mean . . . Explain means make something clear or easy to understand (MW), and that’s what I want to do in this lesson. I use colors and example sentences […]
English Grammar: How to Use the Verb “Suggest”
A lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest because suggest is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are. Suggest means mention or recommend something to think about, or something someone should do. You suggest a thought or an idea. 1. “I […]
English Grammar: “Used to” Do Something
When you want to talk about your habits or your daily routine right now, use the present simple verb tense: I walk to school. I take the bus to work. I smoke. That’s probably the first thing you learned in your English class! What if you want to talk about habits or your daily routine […]
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