English Listening: 53 Years Together | Episode 07
Listen to a story about celebrating my parents’ 53rd wedding anniversary! You’ll also learn how to pronounce the word “anniversary.”
Reading – Happy Mother’s Day!
Do you celebrate Mother’s Day in your country? When is it? What did you do for your mother on Mother’s Day? -OR- What are you going to do for your mother on Mother’s Day? Throughout history, mothers have been celebrated for giving us life and taking care of us until we are ready to […]
Vocabulary – The Stages of Life!
a preemie = a preemie is baby that is born ‘prematurely’ – before it has completely developed in the mother’s womb. Generally it takes 37 weeks/9 months for a baby to fully develop, so if a baby is born before 37 weeks/9 months, it’s considered a preemie. a newborn = a baby that […]
Marriage Idioms & Expressions: Asking Someone to Marry You, Getting Married & Types of Marriages!
Asking someone to marry you to propose (marriage) (to someone) = to ask someone to marry you *Usually when a man proposes to a woman, he asks: “Will you marry me?” My sister is very excited! She thinks her boyfriend is going to propose to her tonight! to ask for someone’s hand in […]
Vocabulary Spotlight on: Relationships
1. Dating Usually, the 1st step in a relationship is going out on a date with someone. Here are some verb phrases you can use to talk about a date: to go on a date (with someone) I went out on a date with him once. It was kind of boring. to have a […]
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