Archives for May 2010
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Go”
Here is a useful list to help you remember when to use go, when to use go to, and when to use go to the. Often English learners feel more comfortable with rules to memorize [and we have lots of them in English!], but sometimes there is no rule. There is no rule why go […]
English Vocabulary: How to Talk About Transportation!
Every English learner knows how to talk about transportation using prepositions. It’s one of the first things taught in an English class, and it’s taught in the preposition section of most grammar books. However, there is also another more common, more natural way of talking about transportation: use VERBS that express the action instead of […]
5 Funny Phrases to Use When You Want to Say that Someone is Dumb!
In English, we have lots of creative and colourful ways of saying that someone is not very smart! It’s not very nice to call someone ‘dumb’ or ‘stupid’, so in English we have a lot of funny expressions to use instead. 1. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed! There are many […]
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verb “Like”
The verb like is one of the most commonly used verbs in English. However, it is also one of the most commonly misused verbs in English. In this article you’ll learn how to use the verb like in a simple English sentence. 1. You MUST say what you like! When you use the verb […]
English Vocabulary: Compound Nouns (Nouns That Act Like Adjectives!)
Have you noticed that sometimes a noun is used to describe another noun? Here are some examples from the listening lesson “Stars on Ice”: figure skating ice skating world-class figure skaters a heart attack four-time world champion You probably learned in English class that adjectives are used to describe or provide more information about nouns. […]
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