How to Use the Verb Suggest

I suggest that you visit Paris before you die. It’s a beautiful city!
I notice that a lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest, so I want to explain how to use it properly.
The verb suggest (to mention or recommend something to think about or something someone should do) is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are.
For example, these sentences are NOT correct:
The company suggested us to take an extra day off.
I hope you suggest us a good hotel.
This is the most common way that English learners try to use the verb, but it is incorrect. Why are these sentences incorrect?
Suggest is never followed by an indirect object pronoun (me, us, you, etc.), and it is never followed by an infinitive.
Here are 3 ways that you CAN use the verb suggest:
1. Suggest that someone do something
Suggest is most commonly followed by a that-clause in which the subjunctive is used:
subject + suggest + (that*) + subject + subjunctive
Don’t let the word ‘subjunctive’ scare you! This is not a verb tense that you need to memorize. It is not used very often. All you need to remember is that the subjunctive is the same as the base form of the verb.
[*In this that-clause, ‘that’ can be left out of the sentence]
Let’s rewrite sentence #1 from above:
The company suggested us to take an extra day off.
The company suggested (that) we take an extra day off.
More example sentences:
She suggests (that) we go out for dinner after the movie.
My parents suggested (that) I get a job after school.
Her brother suggests (that) she study harder so she can get into a good university.
IMPORTANT! In the subjunctive tense, the verb DOES NOT change depending on the subject. The subjunctive is just the base form of the verb.
The teacher suggested (that) we not waste time playing video games after school.
2. Suggest doing something
suggest + gerund
An infinitive is never used after suggest. If you use a verb after suggest, the verb must be in the gerund form. The meaning of the sentence is the same as using the subjunctive.
We can rewrite sentence #1 from the top of the post:
The company suggested us to take an extra day off.
The company suggested taking an extra day off.
More example sentences:
Her brother suggests studying harder so she can get into a good university.
Her brother suggests to study harder so she can get into a good university.My trainer suggests eating less and exercising more.
My trainer suggests to eat less and to exercise more.Her family suggested waiting a few years before she gets married.
Her family suggested to wait a few years before she gets married.
3. Suggest something
This is the form to use when you are talking directly TO someone! However, you do not need to say who you are talking to.
Let’s rewrite sentence #2 from the top of this post. You want someone to tell you about a good hotel:
X: I hope you suggest us a good hotel.
I hope you can suggest a good hotel (to me).
More example sentences
Can you suggest some interesting apps?
No politician has suggested a way to improve the economy.
Suggest an idea for a blog post!
He suggested several different things to do after dinner.
1. Suggest that someone do something
2. Suggest doing something
3. Suggest something
Hopefully this blog post has helped you to better understand the verb suggest!
[…] SUGGEST […]
Hi, very useful.
I’m one of those who has problems with the word ‘suggest’. Now it’s more clear; nevertheless I have a question unrelated to it.
In your example:
“Can you suggest some interesting apps?”
Shouldn’t “any” be used instead of “some” for being an interrogative question? Why!!!!
[Thinking to myself]Whenever I think I learnt an English grammar rule, something comes up that proves me wrong[/Thinking to myself]
Thank you!
Hi, Jesús! Good question!
Whenever I write example sentences, I just go with what I feel is right. I never check grammar books because I want students to learn natural English. In American English, we use many things that are “grammatically” incorrect, but they are acceptable anyway!
To answer your question, I checked one of my grammar books, and here’s what it said:
“In most questions (but not all) we use ‘any’ (not ‘some’).”
“We normally use ‘some’ (not ‘any’) when we offer things [“Would you live some coffee?”] or when we ask for things. [“Can you lend me some money?”]”
In this case, I am asking someone to recommend some interesting apps to me, so I think that qualifies as “asking for things.”
I hope that makes sense!
= )
Ah! Ok.
Of course it makes sense. I should have reviewed the grammar… It seems to me that I was aware of the general rule, but I overlooked the details…
[Thinking to myself]Before thinking to yourself that you have learnt an english grammar rule, make sure that you have really learnt it, stupid![/Thinking to myself]
Thank you again, Melanie!
It was not stupid of you, Jesús, and you should not use that word! If it was stupid, then I was stupid, too, because I had to read a grammar book to explain why my sentence was correct! There is an exception to every English “rule,” and it gets very confusing trying to memorize them all!
Thank you for your kind words, Melanie! but don’t worry, it’s just that my conscience tends to be a little bit hard on me from time to time, but we usually get along very well. 🙂
Hi Melanie,
We are a class of San Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain).
Your explanations were really useful. Some of us had the same mistake using suggest.
Best regards,
Hi Melanie! that’s what i’m talking about! We have to study natural english. As I told you on facebook, i’m really appreciating the site! Thanks.
it’s a lovely website Melanie! i really amazed to see it. there’s so much i want to say but words aren’t enough to describe what’s on my head. Good job!
Hello Melanie,
Thank you for your site. I just discovered it and I think it’s great!
But I have a problem. I still can’t understand how these two sentences can be different:
He suggested (that) I (should) buy a new phone.
He suggested I bought a new phone.
Thanks a lot.
Hi, EngLearner!
‘Should’ is not needed in your 1st sentence & your 2nd sentence is not correct.
The correct sentence is:
“He suggested (that) I buy a new phone.”
[NOT ‘bought.’ Use the subjunctive/base form, not the simple past.]
You could also say:
“He told me I should buy a new phone.”
Those two sentences are saying the same thing.
= )
thanks for the lesson You are a great english teacher.
Pilar (Spain)
My question is with the verb “to be”
I have to write a sentence like this:
We suggested (that) Ana be tested.
Is the use of “be” correct?
I understood by your explanation that “We suggested that Ana to be tested” is NOT correct. I assume the subjunctive is “be” and not “is”. “We suggested that Ana is tested” sounds wrong to me, but not sure about the whole use of this verb in the subjuntive.
Hi, Alejandro!
It’s easier than you think it is! Your sentence is correct:
“We suggested (that) Ana be tested.”
Don’t worry too much about the subjunctive. It’s just the ‘base form’ of the verb. The base form is how the verb appears in the dictionary. For example, the base form of ‘be’ is just … ‘be’! That’s it!
That’s how easy it is!
= )
Dear Melanie,
Thanks for your website and your help.
My name is Zoltán from Hungary who used to live in Canada for one year.
I would like to say thank you for you and the Canadians for the English language that I can use in my life every day.
The fact is that my English has to be improved and I am looking for the possibilities to learn more and more.
Your website helps me to understand the roles easier.
I will use your website in the future because it is very efficient to use.
This is the best English grammer explanation ever! I was always comfused on how to use this word” suggest” , like – what to follow this word, infinitive or pronoun. I know now how to use it once for all. Great thanks to you – the greatest English teacher Melanie.
Thanks Melanie for this very clear and interesting way of explaining “suggest”.
However, what would you say of the use of suggest in the past :
My parents suggested I went to the university ?
and also wouldn’t you want to include the use of should :
The steward suggested that I should place my luggage in the rack ?
Hi, Brigitte!
Good questions! Regardless of when the event occurred, the ‘that’ clause will always be in the subjunctive:
“My parents suggested I go to university.”
[You don’t need ‘the’ before university.]
You don’t need to use ‘should’ with ‘suggest.’ You should rewrite the sentence:
“The steward suggested I put my luggage in the rack.” [= It’s just a suggestion. You can if you want to, but you don’t have to.]
“The steward said I should put my luggage in the rack.” [= More definite than a suggestion.]
“The steward told me to put my luggage in the rack.” [= You have to put your luggage in the rack.]
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I am terrificly pshched from what i received from the content of this page! Its so educational & interesting! The analysis was so great & fascinating! Please keep it up! Thanks!
Hello, Melanie! Thanks for your explanation, it really helps me a lot! I feel lucky to find your website and it is one of the happiest things today! Thank you again!
Great job Miss Melanie! You helped me so much! Your blog is so useful! Real treasure!
Regards from Greece!
Thank you so much for your post. There isn’t any information in dictionaries noticing the base form of verbs after ‘suggest that …’. Many of us thought the verb has to be put in suitable tenses as usual, just like this ‘I suggest he goes …’
Hi Melanie,
V helpful, just one question re “The teacher suggested (that) we not waste time playing video games after school” – can we also say “The teacher suggested (that) we DO NOT waste time…”? I am speaking about natural English here, not grammar books.
That’s a good question, Kai! I didn’t think about it when I wrote that sentence. I just wrote what came naturally.
I checked the book ‘Practical English Usage’ by Michael Swan []. Since the verb in the ‘that clause’ is in the subjunctive, ‘do’ is not is not used. ‘Do’ is not used with any verb in the subjective. Just use ‘not.’ ‘Not’ comes before the verb.
= )
Thank you for this useful site. I would like to know how to arrange the following sentence with “suggest”.
Can I say, “I suggest you to go to the doctor’s”
Thank you for your help.
Hi, Edward!
Let’s take a look at your sentence:
“I suggest you to go to the doctor’s.”
There are two parts to your sentence: “I suggest” and a ‘that-clause’ “you to go to the doctor’s.”
You should use the structure in section #1 for your sentence:
subject + suggest + (that*) + subject + subjunctive
“I suggest (that) you go to the doctor.”
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I have a question. At the beginning of this “lesson”, you said you shouldn’t use direct personal object. You suggested that we should use this pattern:
subject + suggest + (that*) + subject + subjunctive
My question is related to the pronoun “you”. Since the subject pronoun and the direct object pronoun are the same, I think “I suggest you study” should be correct, but you mentioned that “you” (as well as “us”; which I completely agree/understand).
Do you have any comments on this issue?
Thank you,
Hi, Alejandro,
In your example sentence, “I suggest you study,” ‘you’ is not the direct object pronoun. It’s the subject pronoun of the ‘that-clause.’ Even if you don’t use ‘that’ in your sentence, ‘you’ is still the subject pronoun. It goes with the verb ‘study.’
You can’t say:
“I suggest you a movie.”
“He suggests you to call him later.”
Those sentences are incorrect.
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What does Nigel suggest they do?
He suggests they have a toast.
Please reply, it is correct or do I need to put the that clause before they?
Hi, Mario,
“What does Nigel suggest they do?”
~ “He suggests they have a toast.’”
‘They do’ and ‘they have a toast’ are ‘that-clauses.’ With the verb suggest, you don’t need to include the word ‘that’ as part of the clause.
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Dear Melanie,
Thank you very much for helping us improve our English. It’s really kind of you.
I’d like you to answer two questions about suggest.
1.- Is it possible to use suggest with modals?
Eg. She suggested that she could take a taxi.
She suggested that that book might be found in the library.
2.- I thought that the diference between suggest that…. and suggest +ing… was that the latter was for a suggestion including the speaker.
Eg. Why don’t we go to the cinema?” John said.
John suggested going to the cinema.
And the former, a suggestion especially when it is for someone else
Eg. John told Mary,”why don’t you visit Paris?
John suggested that Mary visited/visit /should visit Paris. (I have already read above that the one with should is slightely different, isn’t it?
Eg. John tells Mary, “why don’t you visit Paris?
John suggests that Mary visits/ visit/ should visit Paris.
In this case of reporting in present, are the 3 options correct?
Thank you in advance.
Hi, Natalia!
Question 1: Is it possible to use suggest with modals?
Eg. She suggested that she could take a taxi.
She suggested that that book might be found in the library.
Answer: In American English, no, ‘suggest’ isn’t usually used with modals. I can’t think of a single natural sentence when you could use ‘suggest’ and a modal verb. I’ve noticed in some British grammar books that ‘should’ can be used with ‘suggest,’ but this is unnatural in American English.
‘Suggest’ means to say that something is possible, so a modal verb is not needed. Instead, re-word your sentences:
She suggested taking a taxi.
She suggested looking for that book in the library. [She didn’t say the book would definitely be there, just that it’s possible the book is there.]
Question 2: I thought that the difference between suggest that…. and suggest +ing… was that the latter was for a suggestion including the speaker.
Answer: I have never heard this. You can write all your example sentences both ways, and the meaning is still the same.
Eg. Why don’t we go to the cinema?” John said.
John suggested going to the cinema.
Also possible: John suggested that we go to the movies. [‘Cinema’ isn’t used in American English. It’s a British word.]
And the former, a suggestion especially when it is for someone else
Eg. John told Mary,”why don’t you visit Paris?
John suggested that Mary visit Paris.
John suggested visiting Paris. [if you don’t need to include who John was talking to.]
*In the ‘that’ clause, use the subjunctive verb tense. The subjunctive is just the base form of the verb, so it doesn’t change.
If you want to use ‘should’: John told Mary she should visit Paris.
Eg. John tells Mary, “why don’t you visit Paris?
~ This isn’t correct. Why did you use the present tense in “John tells Mary”?
= )
Dear Melanie,
you said never used infinitive after suggest but you gave a example like “He suggested several different things to do after dinner” it doesn’t make sense to me .please explain this .
Hi, Islam,
Well, now. This is an excellent question! I had to think about this for a while. I cannot find a grammar book or website that talks about suggest being used with an infinitive.
“No politician has suggested a way to improve the economy.”
“He suggested several different things to do after dinner.”
In these sentences, ‘suggest’ is not followed directly by an infinitive. It’s suggest + noun + infinitive. However, I think it’s more complicated than that. I think the infinitive is part of the object, so it’s actually suggest + noun phrase:
“No politician has suggested …”
WHAT has no politician suggested? ~ a way to improve the economy.
“He suggested …”
WHAT did he suggest? ~ several different things to do
WHEN did suggest you do them? ~ after dinner.
You CANNOT say:
“No politician has suggested to improve the economy.” [INCORRECT]
“He suggested to do several different things after dinner.” [INCORRECT]
If I find a better answer, I will type it here & update the article above.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
= )
hi Melanie
can I say for example :
He suggested that she go for a walk with him.
He suggested to her going for a walk together.
Hi, Darek!
Your first sentence is correct:
He suggested that she go for a walk with him.
However, your second sentence is better like this:
He suggested going for a walk together (to her).
Remember, you suggest something to someone!
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thank you very much, dziękuję bardzo Melanie 😉
but I can’t say- He suggested that she goes for a walk with him.
No, you can’t say ‘He suggested that she goes for a walk with him.’
Remember, in the ‘that-clause,’ the verb is in the subjunctive form (the base form of the verb). It doesn’t change form.
‘He suggested that she GO for a walk with him.’
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thank you so much, merci beaucoup, dziękuję bardzo 😉
hi Melanie
this is good lesson. than you. i have one question. this sentence is correct?
(I really love this app and will suggest to everyone.)
thank u,
Hello Sarvar,
1. Don’t use parentheses ( ) for an example sentence. You can just write the sentence or use quotation marks.
For example …
Is this sentence correct? “I really love this app and will suggest to everyone.”
2. Your sentence is ALMOST correct!
“I really love this app and will suggest IT to everyone.”
You suggest SOMETHING.
= )
I want to thank you for your excelent blog and explanation about the “suggest”. I will no longer have problem with this tricky word.
Best wishes,
great help to avoid confusion ,thanks a lot
excellent post.
Thank you so much. Finally some one explain it clearly
Hi! very useful lesson, but I a bit confused..
I have to do an exam and there’s a phrase that I have to complete:
Tom suggested ….. a new car
A)my buying ( this could be correct if there wasn’t “MY”, right?)
B) me to buy (there are both me and to so WROOONG (:)
C) To buy (there’s “to”)
D) my buying of (totally incorrect…)
so, what’s the right answer?
thanks in advance
Hi, Sarah!
What exam is this? Was this exam written by a native speaker? Is this an advanced English exam or and exam on English literature?
“Tom suggested ….. a new car” Is that the complete sentence or is there more to the sentence after ‘car’?
The correct answer(s) could be:
“Tom suggested (that) I buy a new car.”
“Tom suggested buying a new car.”
Since those are not among the options given, I wondered if this was a test written by a native speaker.
If there is more to the sentence, there are other options:
“Tom suggested (that) my buying a new car was a bad idea.” – however, this is a very formal way of speaking, which is why I asked if this was for an advanced English class or an exam on English literature.
= )
Thanks for the useful article!
Hi Melanie,
just to say that you are doing a great job. This “lesson” was very helpful and your way of teaching is clear and easy to understand. Or, in other words, it`s effective.
Is it correct to say this:
He suggested to the emperor to stop sending ships to China? ( I guess this one falls under the 3rd condition which is suggesting someone to do something)… i am confused. please help
Hi, Gillian,
The first section is, ‘suggest (that) someone do something.’
So, the correct sentence is,
“He suggested (that) the emperor stop sending ships to China.”
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How about using “suggest” in passive voice.
The department was suggested to provide justifications.
Is the above sentence correct?
Hi, Candy!
Your sentence is not correct. ‘Suggest’ is not followed by an infinitive.
The active form of your sentence should be:
“I [or whoever] suggested (that) the department provide justifications.”
The passive form of that sentence is:
“It was suggested that the department provide justifications.”
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Her brother suggests studying harder so she can get into a good university…….
can we say like this too?……..Her brother suggested to study harder, so she can get into a good university.
Hi, Xoxo,
No, ‘suggest’ is not followed by an infinitive.
You can say,
“Her brother suggested (that) she study harder, so she can get into a good university.”
= )
I have a question. You said that suggest is never followed by object pronouns. But I had this test yesterday. And there is this question.
“Why don’t you reply to the President’s offer right now?” said Mary to her husband.
A. Mary ordered her husband to reply to the President’s offer right now.
B. Mary suggested that her husband should reply to the President’s offer without delay.
C. Mary told her husband why he didn’t reply to the President’s offer then.
D. Mary wondered why her husband didn’t reply to the President’s offer then.
And the answer is B. But how can ” her ” follows “suggest that “?
I’m looking forward for your answer.
Thank you.
P/s: Feel free to correct my grammar in this comment.
Hi, Learner!
“Mary suggested that her husband should reply to the President’s offer without delay.”
Answer ‘B’ falls into category 1 in my explanation. ‘Her husband’ is the subject of the ‘that’ clause:
“Her husband should reply to the President’s offer without delay.”
The sentence would be incorrect if it was:
“Mary suggested her husband that he should …”
“Mary suggested him that he should … ”
Can you see the difference?
= )
Hi, Melanie!
What you’re doing here on this site is worth taking time and trouble! Thank you a lot for such awesome explanations!
Hi Melanie,
Needed a clarification about another example of using the word `suggest’. Suppose, I have to say:
John suggests TO Dick that he go for a walk
John suggests Dick that he go for a walk?
Another way of putting it would be John suggests that Dick go for a walk, but I would like to know whether TO is needed when you are using two names.
Hi, Swapna!
“John suggests that Dick go for a walk.”
“John tells Dick to go for a walk.”
‘To’ is not needed when you are using two names.
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Thanks a lot Madam, now I know it. I will suggest to my friends to also read this blog.
Hi, Samuel!
It’s better to say, “I will recommend this blog to my friends.” or “I will tell my friends to read this blog.”
Remember, you don’t suggest TO someone. That’s not the correct use of ‘suggest.’
= )
Thanks a lot Melanie , it is very useful
Thank you Melanie it is very interesting subjet. I will keep in mind this new lesson.
Have a happy day
Thank you Melanie! 🙂
hello melanie! thanks alot for your seems to me that you are not only good at pronunciation but also grammar .thanks for your explanation how to use suggest in details situation.
Hi Melanie,
Such a great explanation, thanks, it was interesting to read even for me, an English teacher.
Still, since I’m not a native speaker, I’d like to ask you a question regarding “suggest+subjunctive” and “suggest+gerund”. According to the coursebook I used to study from, the pattern “suggest+gerund” is used when a speaker takes part in the process he/she’s speaking about, e. g.: I suggest going to the cinema = I suggest WE go to the cinema, while “suggest+subjunctive” is a simple advice (well, there are other possible connotations, but it’s not that important now): I suggest you go to the cinema = You should go to the cinema.
Are there these differences in meaning, or are these structures completely interchangeable?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, Denis!
What text book are you using? That is a great way to think of the difference between “suggest+subjunctive” and “suggest+gerund”! I had never thought of that before, nor had I read that anywhere. It’s very useful information!
They are great guidelines, but they are not strict rules. It may be more common & natural to say “I suggest you go to the movies” [cinema is British English!] when you want to give advice, but it’s not wrong to say “I suggest going to the movies.”
= )
How about suggest + indirect object + infinitive? e.g. “They suggested to me to go there.“ Would this be wrong?
Hi, Egon!
The correct sentence should be,
“They suggested that I go there.”
= )
I’ve never seen such a clearful explanation like this,congratulations. Your way to explain grammar rules is absolutely fantastic,God bless you. Thanx a lot. Kisses.
Hi Melanie,
Just one more question about the use os the verb suggest in a negative suggestion, for exemple: the sentence ” you suggest that she not wait so long” , how can you put it in the form suggest + gerund.? Is it correct “you suggest not waiting so long” ?
Hi, Carmen!
Yes, your sentence is fine:
“You suggest not waiting so long.”
Although, it sounds odd to me to use ‘you suggest,’ unless you’re using it in a question:
“Do you suggest not waiting so long?”
“She suggests not waiting so long.”
= )
Thank you very much; it is quite useful for spanish native speakers.
You note here that we should never write the subjective pronouns after “suggest.” Will this construction be wrong?
I suggest Dr.Alex(him) for your issues in English.
Hi, Vinod,
“I suggest going to see Dr.Alex about your issues in English.”
“I suggest talking to Dr.Alex about your issues in English.”
Don’t use ‘him.’
= )
All of your explanations are great! Go on like that!
Hi, Melanie,
That is a super great explanation. Thanks!
Hi there,
You said, “Suggest is never followed by an object pronoun (me, us, you, etc.)”
So, is this sentence wrong?
I suggest you listen to your parents and do as you are told.
Hi, Tyger,
In your example sentence, ‘you’ is not the object pronoun, but the subject of the ‘that’ clause”
I suggest (that) you listen to your parents and do as you are told.
This is an example of ‘you’ as an object pronoun, and therefore incorrect:
“I suggest you some nice places to visit in my town.”
= )
I see. Thanks 🙂
Hallo Melanie, your explanation is really awesome. But I got one question, why did you write :
“Her brother suggests (that) she study harder so she can get into a good university.”
Instead of writing “……she studies……”
Thank you
Hi, Robby!
As I explained in section 1, when you use the sentence structure “suggest (that) someone do something,” you need to use the subjunctive verb tense:
subject + suggest + (that*) + subject + subjunctive
The subjunctive verb tense is just the base form of the verb. It is not the present simple tense. The verb does not change in the subjunctive verb tense.
“Her brother suggests (that) she study harder so she can get into a good university.”
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I have one question…
a compony is looking for CEO
so, someone recommended someone.
in this case, can i use ‘ someone recommended/ suggested her for CEO’
Hi, Choi!
Yes, this sentence falls in category #3 above.
“Someone suggested Jennifer/her [noun] for CEO.”
Obviously in this case ‘her’ is an object pronoun. I’ve corrected the post above to read “suggest is never followed by an indirect pronoun” to avoid confusion.
For example, it’s wrong to say “Someone suggested us her for CEO.”
= )
Thank you for your reply. It’s very helpful. Always be happy!