How to Say the English Alphabet! (video)
One of the first things you should learn when learning a new language is how to say the alphabet!
In this video I say the letter, show you both the upper case (capital) and lower case form of the letter, and show you two things that begin with that letter.
Good to enhance my teaching practice
Thanks teacher Melanie. That is a useful lesson. It makes me improve my pronunciation about alphabet.
You’re welcome! It’s important to know how to say the alphabet in English. = )
Thanks Melanie, I will practice more, more and more
Can I ask you about if I read fast and try to say the words in the correct way, Does this affect the listener to understand me?
Thanks a lot
Hi, Mooz!
It’s hard to answer your question without hearing your pronunciation. It also depends on what you mean by “read fast” and “the correct way.” What are you reading? Why do you need to read it fast? Who is the listener? Is the listener a native speaker?
= )
thank you 4 yr efforts I hope u good luck
Thanks teacher Melanie.
Thank you so much.
good morning teacher
can you help me to learn spoken English for communication