English Listening: My New Hobby | Episode 26
Listen to a story about my new hobby! You’ll also learn how the words “how to” become the sound /haʊt̬ə/ in fast, natural spoken English.
English Vocabulary: How to Talk about Books
Do you read a lot? Do you love talking to other people about your favorite books? Here are 14 sentences you can say about a book you are reading or a book that you have read. “Have you read the new Harry Potter book yet?” You have heard about the new book, or you […]
English Listening: My Summer Reading List | Episode 25
Listen to a story about reading in the summer! You’ll also learn how the words “want to” become the sound /wɑnə/ in fast, natural spoken English!
English Listening: The Missing Photo | Episode 24
Listen to a story about looking for an important photo! You’ll also learn how to say “photograph,” “photography,” and “photographer,” and how to pronounce the American T sound.
English Listening: My Library Books are Always Late | Episode 10
Listen to a story about how I can never remember to return my library books on time! You’ll also learn how to say the reduced form of the preposition “to.”
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