English Listening: A Dilemma on Thanksgiving | Episode 09
Listen to a story about a dilemma I had at Thanksgiving dinner this year! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the preposition “of.”
English Listening: Behind the Scenes | Episode 29
Listen to a story about how each podcast episode is created! You’ll also learn how to say and hear the reduced form of the preposition “for” in fast, natural spoken English.
English Listening: Vertigo | Episode 17
Listen to a story about an illness I had in the summer of 2013! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the conjunction “or.”
English Listening: The Facebook Party | Episode 12
Listen to a story about a party on my street that got out of control! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the pronoun “our.”
English Listening: My Library Books are Always Late | Episode 10
Listen to a story about how I can never remember to return my library books on time! You’ll also learn how to say the reduced form of the preposition “to.”
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