Archives for February 2016
English Listening: The Lost Keys | Episode 13
Listen to a story about how may parents lost the keys to their house! You’ll also learn how to link consonant sounds to vowel sounds.
English Vocabulary: When to Say “Congratulations!”
In English, congratulations is a form of praise when someone achieves something special or unusual, for example when someone: gets engaged gets married gets a job promotion gets a new job has a new baby passes an exam graduates from school wins an election wins a race or contest Congratulations on winning the election! Congratulations […]
English Listening: The Facebook Party | Episode 12
Listen to a story about a party on my street that got out of control! You’ll also learn how to hear and make the reduced form of the pronoun “our.”
English Vocabulary: Relax, Relaxing, and Relaxed
There are many different ways to talk about relaxing in English. However, I’ve noticed that many English learners have difficulty using the verb relax and the adjective relaxed correctly. In this lesson, you’ll learn how NOT to relax! You’ll also learn the 4 forms of relax and how to use them in a sentence. 1. […]
English Listening: An Easier Way! | Episode 11
Listen to a story about why I stopped making podcast episodes! You’ll also learn how to how to sound more confident when you are speaking English!
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