Pronunciation – Practice the L and R Sounds! (video)
In this pronunciation practice video, we’ll do some exercises to practice the L and R consonant sounds at the beginning of a word or syllable. Get your mirror ready, so you can make sure that your mouth is doing the same thing as my mouth. If you need to review how to make these sounds, […]
Pronunciation – How to Pronounce L and R (video)
In this video, I explain how to pronounce the /l/ and /r/ consonant sounds at the beginning of a word or syllable! These sounds are often difficult for English learners from East Asia. I explain what to do with your lips and tongue to make these sounds. By the end of this video, you’ll finally […]
English Vocabulary: Makeup! (Video)
This is an intermediate/advanced vocabulary lesson for people learning English as a foreign language. In this video, you’ll learn some common makeup vocabulary. You will learn the correct names for different makeup products, parts of the face, as well as verbs and adjectives to use to talk about makeup. This video is also a good […]
How to Say Fashion Brands! (video)
A lot of fashion brands are difficult even for native speakers, because a lot of them are not English names! In this video I say the names of 38 different fashion brands – including shoes, fashion designers, and stores. The names are organized in alphabetical order according to their nationality. Here are the […]
“The Chaos” (of English Pronunciation)! – A poem by Gerard N. Trenité (video)
This is a fun poem about the chaos of the English language, but you’ll want to pull your hair out in frustration by the end of it! Don’t worry about understanding the poem – there is no meaning! It’s just a huge collection of ridiculous irregularities in English spelling! Most native speakers would have difficulty […]
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