English Listening: The Car Accident | Episode 32
Listen to a story about a car accident I had many years ago! You’ll also learn how how to say the modal verb phrases “should have” and “should not have” in fast, natural spoken English.
English Listening: A Trip Downtown | Episode 20
Listen to a story about my trip downtown Toronto to meet my friend! You’ll also learn how to say names of places and streets in a city.
English Listening: My Car Died | Episode 19
Listen to a story about how my car died! You’ll also learn how to pronounce the vowel combination AU, like in the words “August” and “auto.”
English Listening: My License Plate | Episode 08
Listen to a story about I had to spend $74 to get a new sticker to put on my car’s license plate. You’ll also learn a tip to help you remember how to pronounce some one-syllable words, like “plate.”
English Listening: The Worst Bus Ride Ever | Episode 02
Listen to a story about the world bus ride I have ever had! You’ll also learn when to drop the h sound at the beginning of the pronouns “him,” “his,” and “he.”
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