English Listening: Garage Sales | Episode 18
Listen to a story about a couple garages sales I had this summer! You’ll also learn how to hear the difference between “can” and “can’t.”
English Listening: Shopping for a New Dress | Episode 15
Listen to a story about all the problems I had trying to buy a dress to wear to my friends’ wedding! You’ll also learn how to to pronounce “hadn’t,” “didn’t,” and “couldn’t.”
English Listening: I Forgot my Wallet | Episode 14
Listen to a story about a time when I went grocery shopping, but I forgot my wallet at home! You’ll also learn how two ways to pronounce the article “the.”
English Vocabulary: How to Use the Verbs “Wear” and “Dress”
What are you wearing? wear = have clothes on your body You wear clothes. This is the most common verb used to talk about clothes. What are you wearing today? I’m going to wear my new shoes to school tomorrow! He wore a tie yesterday. I haven’t worn this dress in ages [=in a long […]
How to Say Something is Expensive!
In the listening lesson “Sex and the City 2!” I talked about buying snacks at the movie theatre. I said: Admission for an adult is now $11.99, which is not so bad, but they charge an arm and a leg for food and drinks!! Here are some other ways to say that something is […]
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