Archives for October 2015
English Listening: Sex and the City 2 was Terrible | Episode 04
Listen to a story about the movie Sex and the City 2! You’ll also learn why even native English speakers sometimes don’t understand spoken English!
Improve Your English by Reading Children’s Book Series
What if I told you that reading doesn’t need to be hard and it doesn’t need to give you a headache? What if I told you that you could learn new words, improve your listening and speaking skills, and it could be interesting and fun? You’re going to think I’m crazy, but read this post […]
English Listening: The Heroic Dog | Episode 03
Listen to a story about a strange encounter I had with a dog when I went for a walk around my neighbourhood. You’ll also learn how to contract and reduce the verbs “could have been” into the sound /kʊdəv bɪn/.
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