How Much Time Should You Spend “Studying”?
I received an email recently from a student:
“I am planning to start your lessons tomorrow. I will dedicate one hour daily. Do you think this will be enough time?”
You may be surprised by my answer.
I thought it was too much time.
I have taught so many students who started like her: focused, eager, determined. They start out with good intentions, but then they get bored, discouraged, and lose interest.
I didn’t want her to get bored. I didn’t want her to get discouraged if she couldn’t spend one hour studying every day. I didn’t want her to give up.
I wanted to make sure that she did something in English every day, and instead of doing nothing.
You don’t have to study English every day to learn English, but you must do something in English every day.
What is “studying”?
A lot of students try to learn English by studying the same way they studied for a test in school.
Here’s the definition of the verb STUDY from the Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary:
to read, memorize facts, attend school, etc., in order to learn about a subject
Is that how you learned your own native language/mother tongue?
When we think of “studying,” we think of the things that we did to study for a test or pass a course. We think of forcing ourselves to sit at a desk. We think of staring at a textbook or grammar book and trying to memorize grammar rules. We think of memorizing long lists of words and trying to use them in a sentence. Studying gives us a headache.
We think it’s boring and we try to avoid it.
Studying for an exam or to pass a course is not the same thing as learning English. Your goal now is not to memorize lots of information to pass a test, but to learn how to speak and understand English.
Instead of memorizing words, learn words in the context of a sentence or paragraph and learn the collocations with that word. Instead of memorizing grammar rules, learn phrases and sentence structures that are used by native speakers.
Studying is just one part of learning.
Here is the definition of the verb LEARN from the Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary:
to gain knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something
There are many different ways to learn something. Studying is one form of learning. It’s an important part, but it’s not enough. You need to do other things to learn as well.
Think of the way you learned your native language or mother tongue. Yes, you spent some time studying your language in school. For example, you learned how to spell words and how to improve your writing. However, most of your learning came outside of school, by talking to your family & friends, reading magazines, newspapers and books, and listening to TV shows, music, etc.
Learning English should not be so boring that you don’t want to do it, or you tell yourself that you will start tomorrow, just like you are going to start your diet to lose weight tomorrow, or you will quit smoking tomorrow, … and then tomorrow never comes.
Now, let’s be honest. You do need to study. Some days, you need to sit in a chair at a table or desk and review your notes, because the more times you hear and see a word, the easier it is to remember. That’s why you need to REVIEW things.
to study or look at (something) again
What are some other ways of learning?
You can learn English anytime, anywhere. There are opportunities to experience and learn English all around you. Learning happens all the time, not just when you are sitting at a desk.
Whenever you do something in English, you are still learning, even if you don’t write down a word or memorize a grammar rule. You just don’t notice that you are learning!
When you listen to something in English, you are getting used to the sounds and the rhythm of English. This is important. When you read something in English, you are getting used to English sentence structure and English spelling patterns.
When you listen, you hear the same words, sentences and sounds over and over again. When you read, you see the same words, collocations and sentences over and over again. That’s how you remember things.
- Read a book before bed, just for fun. You don’t need to write down any words or look up any words in a dictionary if you don’t want to. Just read. If you want to write down some words, pick the 3-5 most important words that you need to know to understand the story. You won’t remember anymore than that.
- Imitate what you hear. Do people speak your language with different accents? Do you make fun of people by pretending to speak your language with an accent? This is what you need to do in English. Pretend to be a native English speaker. Hear the sounds that they make. Try to make the sounds that you hear. Hear the word, don’t try to see the word.
- Watch a TV show or movie in English (with subtitles if you need to). I went to Honduras in 2005. It’s a country in Central America, south of Mexico. I went to see some ruins in Copan. The tour guide spoke English with an American accent, yet he had never travelled outside of Honduras. His native language was Spanish. He made jokes in English. He learned English from watching the Simpsons. I’m not joking. He loved English & he loved the Simpsons, so he watched it all the time & started to imitate the sounds he heard. He learned to sound like a native speaker.
- Listen to podcasts or audiobooks. A podcast is a series of digital audio files that you can download from the internet. An audiobook is a digital recording of someone reading a book. Because both of these things are digital files, you can listen to them on your computer, tablet or mobile device.
An important note: Speaking to or listening to other English learners is not learning English. You can practice English by speaking to other English learners, but you are not going to learn anything. [Related: 4 Truths About Learning English]
How much time should you spend learning English?
If you want to change and improve your English, you need to make time for English every day. Every. Day.
I do not accept the excuse that your life is so busy that you don’t have time for English. I don’t believe you. There are 24 hours in a day. I don’t believe that you can’t find 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour during your day to do something in English. If you really want to, you can find time for English. If it’s important to you, you’ll do it.
However, you can’t do the same thing every day or you will get bored. You need to study, but you need to do far more listening and reading than you do studying.
- Set up a schedule. Look at your week. On what days can you spend an hour doing something in English? On what days can you spend 30 minutes? When can you read a book or listen to something in English? Are there days when you are very busy and can only spend 15 minutes doing something in English? On what days can you sit down and review what you have learned?
- Review what you have learned every day. Did you hear a new word, phrase or sentence structure while you were watching a movie? Review that word or phrase.
- Don’t quit or punish yourself because you didn’t study for an hour today. One hour is better than 30 minutes, 30 minutes is better than 15 minutes, and 15 minutes is better than nothing.
- Change things often so you don’t get bored.
How do you learn English? How do you study?
Now it’s your turn. Tell me how you learn English and how you study! Share your tips in the comments below. What works for you? How do you study English? How do you learn English?
I am highly appreciate your continuous support, it is a valuable advice
Thank you very much indeed!
My Best Regards,
Hou are right.. our professor really looks like he knows what I am thinking about, how do we think, what are our excuses to run away from spending any short time in order to learn English..
Thank you very much our best professor in the world.. i really got benefit.. i needed these tips.
Hi Melanie, How useful are your comments and thought, I really have learned a lot watching your videos and listening your podcast. I am just noticed that sometime you were here visiting Honduras, I hope one day see you visiting us again.
A lot of thanks from your advice and your information I always try to spend more time to study,special studying in learn English language.
It is very important tip, One hour is better than 30 minutes, 30 minutes is better than 15 minutes, and 15 minutes is better than nothing.
hello mam there i had been read your all tips that’s such a too good for a beginner hope u send us something new
siddharth from India
Hello Melanie thank you so much your daily mail and advice , and I really love the way your teaching . And I always try to spends more than one hours. And am appreciate your continuous support .
Kind regard
Ghulam Sakhi
thank you . i will practice your Advice
I keep learning 5 sentences with audio in every moring before going to work. Firstly, I learned saparated phrases in each new sentences. Then, I tried to practise speaking in front of a mirror by imitating the native speaker. It all took me about 30 minuties. During my day, I sometime took a look at these sentences again if I had time.
Thanks for your honest is my learning schedule.
Every evening, when I’m lying in my bed, I listen to an English audiobook at least 30 minutes. Every day I read the “dear Abby letters”
Once a week I chat with a native speaker via Skype.This is a language exchange. If there’s enough time, I try to watch an American movie (okay, sometimes it takes 3 days to finish. ) Also there’s a Facebook group for English learners. We get help from a native speaker, we can write or send a voicemail. The teacher corrects our mistakes. Great!
But I still have the feeling, that there is not enough speaking practice.
Congratulations for your excellent work Melenie, and thanks for that. I took 3 podcasts to study: English Teacher Melanie (I love your stories), (a brazilian teacher called Ana Luiza, excellent podcast) and ESLpod do Jeff McQuillan. I spend one week with each episode, every night. I listen a few times, then I take the transcript and note the words I dont know. After that I hear sentence by sentence, with pauses, repeat the phrases and I write down what I understand. Corrections made, I read the transcript out loud while I listen to that episode a few times. I divide this routine in the days of the week. It’s not bored at all, it’s addictive!! Other than that, I listen to others podcasts that I recommend as well, CuLips ESL, Business English Q&A, Real Deal English, English 2.0, Happy English. This ones I don’t study (there is no time for that), I just listen to them in the way from work to home, at the supermarket, etc.
thank you my respectable melanie, reading is my habit, sometime it goes a whole day, some time little, further i am a lawyer i used to talk english in my profession, whatsoever my target is mastering i have crossed half the way and got confident.
Thank you Daniel!
Hi Melanie, thanks for your precious advices. Every day I spend some time on English, not the same time for each day: some days one hour, other days 30 minutes, or only 10 minutes depend what I chose to do. If I study your listening lesson, I spend almost one hour, but if I listen ESLpodcast or watch VOA video I spend from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. I struggle a lot memorize the expression and use them in a normal conversation. Anyway I enjoy studying English with you.
Hi Melanie,
Since I finish my formal English classes roughly a year a go, I’ve spend an average of two hours a day using different methods to avoid boredom and always be enticed, what I’m doing is reading news letters, listening podcast according to my level, watching videos, and when I’m with my kids I watch cortoons in english with them, for me the key is traying to be always inmersed in the lenguage.
I’ve been with you for a short time and very happy because I found what I needed, someone to mimic (do shadowing) thank a lot for your time effort it’s really awesome.
Milder from NICARAGUA Central America
I am doing everything you are suggesting, and even more: I read books magazines and newspapers written in english. I set up my computer and phone in english. I meet at least ones a week english speakers, just to have fun in english. I still make mistakes however I am enjoying all the english activity and I am improving.
I really appreciate your effort to teach us good techniques.I’m much interested for more lessons you will share..Thank you for such wonderful messages you’ve sent me Teacher Melanie..I hope someday I’ll be able to see you personally.Great fan here.
Hello Melanie, my question is : i am an enthusiastic learner of the english language , i place myself as upper intermediate , I can understand fairly well news anchors and I have travelled to California many times and yet I fail to fully understand what people are talking in the street or the waiter at a restaurant, what would you suggest I should do to fill in the gap.
Hi, Julio!
I think in your case the issue is understanding the rhythm of natural spoken English. This isn’t taught in many English classes, but it is so important! I talk about it in some of the pronunciation tips in my listening lessons. Native speakers stress, reduce, link & contract words, so you are not going to hear many words fully pronounced in natural speech. I am preparing a series of video lessons on this, but they are not going to be ready until the new year. In the meantime, spend some looking for information on the “rhythm of spoken English.”
All the best to you,
Many thanks dear teacher. Will do what you are suggesting.
Hi Melanie,
I used to study English for 10 or more hours a day. I continued the same routine for 4 years, but things got busier and it’s been less and less, and now I study English for 1 to 2 hours a day and 5 to 7 hours on my day off. But I completely agree with what you said. There is no single idea in your article that I disagree with.
The only obstacle (except for myself making excuses and being satisfied with less time compared to 10 hours, haha) is that because I study at least one hour everyday and 7 hours in maximum, I can’t remember all of what I learned! I just enjoy writing things down on my notebook, so which is okay, but while I’m enjoying that, there is a part of me struggling, not enjoying, and almost starting to get bored…
Hi Melanie, i don’t know how to thank you for your great job aiming at helping non native english learners move from classroom into the real world. , this is also one of my questions. I used to read over twice a week, but nothing changed, i was very tired from memorizing grammar rules, so i come to a decision to change the way i learn it. I usually repeat words and phrases heard from native speakers(Melanie Podcasts, myhappyenglish, VOA news,…).
Let tell you something: Melanie podcasts become my everyday music, some people think i’m going mad… This is the way i learn it!
Hello Melanie,
Thank you for the wonderful piece of advice. There is one tv show that I watch everyday. I watch it two times. First one is without subtitle and the second time with subtitle to see what i have missed. I feel confident everytime I see my progress. It is getting better day by day. Thank you again. You ‘ve been very helpful.
Thank you so much for your tips. I usually learn English by reading an article before sleeping. It’s really help me to improve my pronunciation. However, it is still difficult for me have an accent like a native. I hope someday I could have an accent like an English native speaker.
Thank you for your kind words! I live in a french speaking country, i used to make a sentence in english the way i do in french and make a mistake every time, so i decide to learn more about collocations. I prefer reading books and listening to native speakers (american accent) than memorizing grammar rules. I also realised that memorizing phrases helps me beef up my speaking skill…
Hello teacher Melanie,
I really appreciate your advices. I usually learn English by reading true stories.
I try to find some foreign friends and chat with them for improving my English.
Until two years ago I wasn’t that concerned with English,but later I fell in love with it. I memorized a good number of words.I listened to podcasts including yours.I learnt many things from you.I think I have worked hard.I also try to isolate my mother tongue and immerse myself in English.
your advices are very useful for me. now, I know what I need to do when I’m learning english. be confident and don’t be afraid if I make a mistake. thanks a lot.
Hi melanie, I’ve been reading your posts and listening to your podcast since I knew about you surfing the net. I totally agree with you. I’ve learned English for 4 years. At first I had to review some grammar because I left English some years ago. It has been going on about two years that the way I learn English is changed. Learning English must be an enjoyable thing. I’m used to listening to podcast everyday and at the same way I read some English every day. Sometimes I write some notes about new words or sentences or way to say. In this way my listening and speaking skills are improved pretty much. Thanks a lot for your advices
Hello melanie ,Thanke you very much for your advice
Acually, I somtimes hear english songs also i try to imitate what i hear
Thanks for your precious adivces.
I actually don’t have a specific time I sit in order to study, I use any free time of mine I review and learn something new.
But there is a questions goes up and down on my mind, when I ask whoever, how I be a fluent at English, they first say never be much concerned about grammar.
So, I’d like to hear from you!
What’s the way to be a fluent?
dear Melanie…infact you are the best…may God continue to bless you to help others…..
Thanks a lot dear Melanie…..I love English and i wish speak it as good as my mother tongue.I believe your advices and i’ll try to do them. Regards!
Thanks a lot dear Melanie…..I love English and i wish speak it as good as my mother tongue.I believe your advice and i’ll try to do them. Regards!
Hello, dear MELANIE! You’re right. We have to study everyday. I try to be creative in my daily study and it’s important for me study at 6 or 7 a.m., because there’s no noise and i can learn more. I hear american radio station for about one hour . On weekends i watch TV series at internet. I also watch animation movies specially those for kids. These are all i try to do to improve my listening skills in English language. I’ve tried something new to improve my English accent: i’ve tried to imitate you. It was fun! I’ve recorded some lessons and compared my voice to yours. I’ve learned i speak like a robot and my accent is far from a native speaker. This exercise helped me a lot. I could see my mistakes and i’ve realized that i need to study more and more. If i want to learn English it must take part of my life.
Hi , I appreciate your effort. I learn English mostly by listening to English speakers in films and lectures. Normally and originally I prefer listening to reading , the latter gets me bored. Thanks once more ; I wish I could meet you or /and at least talk to you one-on-one.
Hello Melanie, How are you? .. I have a year I started my English study, finally decided to me, it has not been easy, in a few months I felt frustated, slow for my learning, but thanks to the magic for internet, found as your mentors and tools that have helped me to continue with my purpose. I think there is no something fixed learning, let alone studying and working people like me. Recomendations suggested to me, as you coments, read have been something in english, alto listen, in that, I hear podcast 6 minute bbc english, and in the course that buy internet, in an assessment that made me, me recommended your site, and here I am learning from you … I know have a long, but I´m on the road, I try to be relaxed and let things flow when I feel that no progress. Well, that´s it, I send greetings from Mexico !!!! …
Hello Melani,
I’d like to thank you for this article and I will say here some other strategies I’ve been taking for keeping using English. I’ve studied on Duolingo and finished my English Tree, but I am always keep it completed, and I do the translates from duolingo at least once a week. My computer’s S.O. was changed into English language as well as my cellphone, so any message from them I receive in English and I use to read books in English for fun or study from college or work.
I think I have to get more contact with spoken English, I sometimes watch English teachers on YouTube, but I am not good on hearing Videos besides the education and English courses, like news. I plan to have more attention at listening and speaking skills now using YouTube, DVD and MP3. I will learn songs and translate them, keep hearing from my cellphone to get more comfortable with other accents.
It’s is all for now. I’m open to tips.
Hello teacher Melanie! I’d like to know if you give classes online. How can I take private classes from you? I’m struggling with my speaking. I used to record my voice and try by my onw to improve it. At last days, I have changed my mind and I’m gonna need a tutor like you. I like your podcasts and your way to teach foreigner learners.
Hi, everyone
thank you our teacher Melani for all this tips . your talk is right ,
I learned to much years but until now I’m not Fluent in English. And I will continue with you to be Fluent .
thank you
Best Regards
Hello Melanie,
First of all, Thank you so much, your site is so useful and each time you publish someting I find a new advice. I love English, so I learn watching cartoons like “over the garden wall”, “invader zim” and “teen titans”. I also read books and magazines. I like Esquire and GQ (Gentleman Quarterly) magazines. I read The hunger games but, sometimes I get bored.This article gave me a deeper meaning about learning English than I understood. Thanks. Happy holidays.
Hi thank you for the support. I am an English teacher and learner in China who has been struggling. May I make friends with you and learn to teach together?
hi, Melanie, I spend studying only 30 minutes at day. But I have a lot of grammar mistake!!! what I can do???
Grammar is just how words are organized into sentences. Instead of focusing on rules, focus on learning sentences that you can use in conversation. Did you know that I have a podcast?
Each episode is a story about daily life. There is a lot of great vocabulary in each story + sentences that you can study & learn.
dear mam
really you given a lot of tips to speak good english and
understand our most valuable time
I have started as the following way.(Learn, Read, Watch,Speak,Write) daily.
Learn(English Grammar, Vocabulary) – 1 hour
Read(Novels) – 1 hour
Watch(Movies) – 1 hour
Speak(In front of mirror) – 30 minutes
Write – 30 minutes
Totally 4 hours a day. Is this ok? please suggest
That’s great, Shajahan!
Speaking in front of a mirror is great, but you should also record yourself so you can make sure that you are saying everything properly. You don’t want to practice saying things incorrectly!
Hello teacher Melanie!
I started learning English from six month ago but today I learn a lot of things to your article,
I think it is necessery for all of them.
I will try my best for reach to my purpose .
Thanks for your efforts.
You are doing well, Hossein! Keep up the great work!
Hello Teacher, i am very happy your advice and i know i can understand your note.
Thank you
That’s awesome, Berhan! Keep working hard!
Thank you for this article. You gave me hope and motivation because I’ve been studying for 6 months, every day for 3 hours, and it seems like I’ll never learn to speak and understand what the natives speak. But it’s a time-consuming process, but so difficult that time. I got happy to read that everything I do in English would help me learn. I worry a lot about grammar and when I don’t study it I get annoyed with myself. Thanks and sorry for my mistakes in my answer.
Hello Melanie,
Thank you for your article. I live in England for 9 months and I finished intermediate class and intermediate class. I passed the exams with a good score. Although I am able to speak and people understand me, I can’t understand them. I don’t know English people for practice English language.
I would like to have an interview for an engineer post and I have to know the English language. I learned technical words and I can explain about my experience but my problem is: it is possible I can understand what they will ask me. I am not ready to keep an interview in this moment and I don’t know a way to improve my English. I don’t know what I have to do for understanding people. If they told me easy things or if they speak slowly, I understand them but sometimes I don’t understand anything.
Please give me advice about understanding English people and a way to understand them better than new. I can work intensively for improving my English and I would like you to help me. Thank you very much.