Friday, March 26, 2010
Grammar – What Are You Doing This Weekend?

Talking about future plans is challenging in English because we use different verb forms and tenses. In this post I show you how to talk about your plans for the weekend. I explain when to use the present continuous, be going to, and will. I also explain why ‘gonna’ is NOT a proper or acceptable written word!
My sister is getting married on Saturday!
I’m going shopping with my friends.
We’re having a party at our place Saturday night!
I’m meeting my parents for dinner tomorrow.
I’m taking my cat to the vet for his annual checkup!
I’m going to the U2 concert!
(*note that this is NOT the ‘be going to’ future! This is simply the verb ‘go’ used in the present continuous!)
Then use the be going to future. It is used to express a plan. Think of be going to as a modal verb – it is always used with another verb.
I’m going to clean my entire house this weekend!
I’m going to finish my book report and then meet my friends for dinner!
We are going to look for a new car!
I don’t know why people learning English like to use this word so much – they use it more than native speakers do! It’s a very bad habit that you need to get out of. (When native speakers write this word, it is usually when they are imitating what someone said.)
I don’t know what I’m doing this weekend. I think I’ll call Anne and she what she’s doing.
I think I’ll try to get a ticket for the U2 concert on Sunday.
If the weather is nice this weekend, I’ll take my family to the park.
If I finish my homework by Saturday night, I’ll go to Amber’s party.
*Shall is not used in North American English.
Related posts:
Using the simple present to talk about the future
Roberto said…
Hi Melanie,
I am just wondering about the following question:
“What are you plans for the weekend?”
Cause usually I say:
What do you plan on doing this weekend?
Teacher Melanie said…
Hi, Robert!
Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake! I never noticed it before. Of course the question should say:
“What are YOUR plans for the weekend?”
All these questions are asking the same thing:
“What are you doing this weekend?”
“What are your plans for the weekend?”
“What do you plan on doing this weekend?”
All of them are correct!
= )
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