Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Grammar – Present Perfect for the Future?
Yes, the sentence is correct. It sounds strange, doesn’t it?
I have seen the movie ‘Sex and the City 2.’ [I thought it was terrible!] After I saw the movie, I talked to a friend on Twitter. My friend wants to see that movie. She hasn’t seen it yet. She will see the movie in the future. I want her to tell me her opinion after she has seen the movie.
She thought it was odd that I used the present perfect in my sentence structure, so I will attempt to explain why the sentence is correct!
This sentence structure is a variation of the 1st conditional [future real conditional]:
My friend is definitely going to see the movie, so we can change the ‘if’ to ‘when’ or ‘after’:
Instead of asking her a question, I used the imperative:
When you use the conjunction ‘after’ in this sentence structure, you can use the present simple OR the present perfect with NO difference in meaning:
I understand now..
present future or present tense is able to use when we are talking about conditional sentence type 1.. (as I’ve learned, i know 3 types of conditional sentence)
thanks 4 d’info..
I think you meant to say ‘future simple’ [there is no ‘present future’ tense.
The first conditional is:
If + present simple, future simple
: )