Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Grammar – Get Used To
In the listening lesson “Shopping at the Mall” I talked about how frustrating it is shopping at the mall when all the stores have the same clothes and all the clothing sizes are different! I said…
In previous grammar posts I explained:
This is the third part of the series.
= to become more familiar with something or doing something
= the act of becoming used to something (or doing something)
= something is not as strange or unfamiliar as it used to be, you have gained more experience
He’s lived with her for many years, so he’s gotten used to her strange behaviour.
I was uncomfortable at first, but I got used to speaking in public.
I used to work at clothing store. It was difficult at first because I wasn’t used to meeting a daily target and I wasn’t used to dealing with so many rude people. After awhile, I got used to it.
*used to is ALWAYS followed by the base form of a verb: I used to work.
*The gerund form of a verb is used after be used to and get used to. The base form of a verb is NEVER used after be used to or get used to.
X: I am used to work late
CORRECT: I am used to working late
*used to can only be used in the simple past tense; be used to and get used to can be use in all tenses.
Example sentences
When he first moved to Scotland, it was difficult to understand what everyone was saying because their accent was so strong. Eventually he got used to it.
Are you fed up with traffic jams downtown? Get used to it! More people moving into Toronto means more cars on the road.
I went to Australia during one of the hottest summers ever! I couldn’t get used to the intense heat. It doesn’t get that hot in Canada!
When you move to London, you’ll have to get used to driving on the left-hand side of the road!
She‘s getting used to waking up while it’s still dark out.
Kátia said…
Hi, Melanie!
Thanks for all your lessons and perfect explanations. As always, I learn a lot with you.
I really appreciate your website. It’s becoming better and better. Well done!
Teacher Melanie said…
Hello Katia,
It’s so nice to hear from you! Thank you for your kind words = ) I am thrilled that you find my website so useful!
I hope you are well,
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