Archives for April 2012
English Grammar: How to Use the Verb “Suggest”
A lot of English learners struggle with the verb suggest because suggest is an unusual English verb. It is not used in a sentence the same way that other verbs are. Suggest means mention or recommend something to think about, or something someone should do. You suggest a thought or an idea. 1. “I […]
Present Perfect: “Have You Ever Been to (a Place)?”
Have you ever been to Rome, Italy? You can use the present perfect to talk about a place, city, or country you have visited. The present perfect is used to talk about if, at any point in your life in the past, you have visited or traveled to a specific place. The present perfect is […]
English Grammar: “Used to” Do Something
When you want to talk about your habits or your daily routine right now, use the present simple verb tense: I walk to school. I take the bus to work. I smoke. That’s probably the first thing you learned in your English class! What if you want to talk about habits or your daily routine […]
English Grammar: When NOT to Use “the”! (definite article)
For many English learners, articles are one of the most difficult things to remember! Articles are confusing because it’s not always necessary to use an article in English. This lesson is about when NOT to use the definite article the. Sometimes it’s easier to remember when NOT to use something instead of trying to memorize […]
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