7 Commonly Mispronounced English Words! (video)
This English pronunciation lesson will help you pronounce these words clearly and correctly.
Trust me: You’re pronouncing at least ONE of these words wrong. Every English learner I have ever spoken to has mispronounced at least one of these 7 words, mainly because the pronunciation of the words does not match the spelling. Watch the video to learn some tips on how to pronounce these words and practice the correct pronunciation.
For each word, I give two examples of the word used in a sentence. Listen and repeat after me!
This is the 1st video in the ‘Commonly Mispronounced English Words’ series:
7 Commonly Mispronounced English Words [this video]
5 MORE Commonly Mispronounced English Words
Really Informative. Well done. I’ve a Canadian teacher. She teachers me like this. It seems I’ve found a teacher.
I very love this lesson. Thank teacher. I hope you create more helpful video in future.
You’re welcome, Tai! I hope you continue to enjoy my video lessons. I’m glad these lessons are helpful to you! = )
Hey Melanie, I’m really interested in the materials in your website, but i just can’t watch the vedio~I don’t know why~
What a pity~~
Hi, Grace! Where do you live? The video is hosted by YouTube & unfortunately YouTube is blocked in China. I’m sorry.
Thanks! Melanie *^^
You’re welcome! This was the first video I ever made, so I’m thrilled that people still enjoy it! = )
Wow! It turned out I’d been mispronouncing three out of seven 🙂 None of my English teachers (at school and university) ever bothered correcting me!
That’s why I made this video Andrew! You are not alone. Almost every English learner I’ve ever talked to has pronounced AT LEAST ONE of these words wrong! I’m happy that this video helped you.
= )
nice selection of words. I learned(enjoyed)it.
Thanks, Murugappan! I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed it & you learned from this video!
I have noticed that these words are the most mispronounced by English learners.
Hi Melanie,
Have you ever been Vietnam?
Unfortunately no, I have never been to Vietnam! I would like to visit someday. It looks like a lovely country & the people are very friendly.
= )
Thank you so much for this. Your website is so useful! Cheers from Spain.
Hi Melanie,
I would love to show your videos to my students in China. Is there some way I can see and download them as we cannot access youtube in China?
Hi, Kaye!
Unfortunately I don’t know of any way to do this, unless you can use RealPlayer to download the video directly from YouTube.
Do you know if there are English instructions on how to set up an account & upload videos to any of the Chinese sites (like Tudou)? I would really like to make my videos available to Chinese students, but unfortunately I can’t read or speak Mandarin! Someone once told me that some of my videos have been (illegally!) downloaded from YouTube & uploaded to Tudou, so you can try searching for them.
All the best,
Thanks Melanie, it’s possible see through your materials how hard work you do in order to make things “edible” to us.
Schopenhauer wrote: “There is a saying that a good cook can make a palatable dish even out of an old shoe; and a good writer can make the dryest things interesting”, this applies for your work.
Continue doing things with the same love.
All the best.