5 MORE Commonly Mispronounced English Words! (video)
Often, the pronunciation of an English word does not match the spelling of the word, and this is true of many of the words in this video. Watch the video to learn some tips on how to pronounce these words and practice the correct pronunciation.
This is the 2nd video in the ‘Commonly Mispronounced English Words’ series:
7 Commonly Mispronounced English Words
5 MORE Commonly Mispronounced English Words [this video]
Hello Melanie,
Thanks for sharing this pronunciation video. You’ve included complicated issues for most students. It’s really helpful.
Well done work ^_^
I really enjoyed your pronunciation video. It is very helpful.
For around 14 years, my pronunciation in “advantage, language, garbage” were really wrong . My teachers weren’t able to correct me!!!!
Then, from the video, I know how to pronounce “advantage, language, encourage, garbage, and package” correctly.
Thank you, very much, TeacherMelanie!!!
I always wish by improving my pronunciation, well at least my English’s getting better although the accent is still Indonesian and Asian accent!!!
I just know that “age” in “advantage” was not pronounced like “age” but “idg”. Well, my English lecturers and teachers didn’t pronounce it correctly!
Thank you, very much for this video. I hope by improving my pronunciation, I could speak English better!! Although my accent is still Indonesian accent!!!
Muchas gracias, Melanie!!!
I m really enjoy watching this video. However, I have a question about S pronunciation. when can we know it is pronounce as a g .
Thank you
I’m sorry, Mohammed, I don’t understand your question. The letter ‘s’ is never pronounced as /g/.
Was that a typo?
Hey Melanie.
How are you doing? Thanks for uploading pronunciation videos..
Is helps like magic. It is amazing learning..
I have problem pronouncing words starting with ‘s’ like sports, support etc.
Can you please share video for that also.
Hi Melanie,
I love your videos about the English pronunciation.
I am married to a American but I shill have a strong accent.
I have really hard time to pronounce words with “l” and “r” sounds together as “walrus” or “chivalry”.
Could you give me some useful tips how to pronounce these difficult words.
Thank you a lot for all your help.
Hi, Alena!
Without knowing what the problem is, it’s hard to help! What is your native language? By looking at your email address, I guess that your mother tongue is Russian or other Slavic language? There are two things that you probably have trouble with:
1. Do you put an extra vowel sound between the /l/ and /r/?
2. Do you still try to ‘roll’ the /r/ sound (by tapping your tongue to the top of your mouth)?
I have a video that explains how to make the /l/ and /r/ sounds:
To make the /r/ sound after the /l/, don’t drop your tongue all the way or flatten your tongue. Make sure your tongue is still slightly curled when you start the /r/ sound.
I hope that helps!
= )
Teacher Melanie
I’m a Brazilian English teacher and I wish to thank you for all your help. I always listen to your podcasts and read your explanations. I’ve been improving my pronunciation day by day.
I’ve already been in Canada (Toronto) and I loved it.
Thank you
HI teacher
I am a student in Ethiopia. I always listen to your podcast.
Thank you